Author Topic: Rank Descriptions  (Read 17012 times)

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Rank Descriptions
« on: January 03, 2022, 10:32:23 AM »
Here will be a list of ALL the ranks that are in Allstarlegends.

These members have achieved the highest position in the staff team. Their job is not limited to a title (such as that of "Head of Staff"), they take forth all responsibility for the staff team, forums, and community. They're the Owner's right-hand man/gal. Administrators appropriately give ranks, update forums, conclude final staff decisions (including promotions and demotions), conclude support trials, and so on.

Developer/Technical Support
Members of this rank range from Developers/Coders to Forum Programmers, and so on. They're knowledgeable in a vast amount of programming. They assist with updates, client/server issues, forum updates, forum issues, and more. This rank is obtained only by speaking with Boris and providing proof of your talents, and dedicating your work for ASL.

Head Moderator - Head Moderator is like an Administrator's assistant. The Head Moderator overlooks all other staff reporting it to the Administrator(s). This user also looks over all pending applicants on the game & forums making sure they're fit for the job, and that they do not act out. Other than that, this rank is no different than that of a Global Moderator.

Global Moderator
Members of this rank moderate both the forums & server. They're experienced enough in each area to moderate both at once. They possess no greater benefits/power. Global Moderators, given the experience they have, teach up Forum and In-game Moderators to become a Global Moderator.

In-game Moderator
These members of staff moderate the server. They make sure things in-game run smoothly with no problems. They take care of all malicious acts & rule-breakers. They're known for acting swiftly & professionally. They help out all Supports and Trial Supports through their learning experiences, into one day being a moderator.

Forum Moderator
These members simply moderate the forums. They make sure all rule-breakers are dealt with, there are no spelling/grammatical errors, and that the most important of information is in easy access. This rank gives no benefits or rank in-game, this is purely forum-based. These members may, however, obtain Global Moderator through hard work perseverance in-game.

These are typically our newest additions to the staff team, and the lowest ranked position on the staff team. However, they are treated like any other rank; as staff. They have restricted commands, but enough to get the job done. These members of staff that possess this rank have no forum powers, they're purely server-based.

This rank is the highest rank achievable by members who are not part of the staff team. Members of this group are highly respected, helpful, and, well, trusted. They're given a special in-game rank, as well as a rank on the forums. They're given no special commands in-game whatsoever.

This rank is given to members who meet the one-year registration requirement. Members of this rank don't have any special commands or recognition in-game, this is a forum-based rank only.

This rank is given to members who meet the six-month registration requirement. Members of this rank don't have any special commands or recognition in-game, this is a forum-based rank only.


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